When Garbage Disposal Backs Up Into Sink, Its Time to Replace

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Commercial-Disposal-Alternative-SliderWhen it comes to eating, we are so careful as to what we put on our plates, and where the food goes on it! Some of us even worry about our foods not touching each other… But why aren’t we as careful when disposing of the leftovers as we are before eating, I mean it might not affect our body immediately but it does affect our environment if not disposed of properly. We throw our leftovers into the sink and grind, but do we know what happens to that after we are done using it? It usually ends up as a broken garbage disposal, or a clogged pipe and a backed-up dishwasher.

Clogged pipes are the exact reason why people are disposing of their garbage disposals and switching to more convenient ways of filtering waste. Union Pacific Railroad employee Manuel Rodarte in Los Angeles, California made the switch after having issues with the pipes in his employee lunch room sink that could no longer be overlooked. This is where employees would wash their dishes and utensils and it was getting backed-up constantly due to dirty pipes.  Manuel R. purchased The Drain Strainer online, he got personal attention from the president/owner/inventor of the company and he provided them with terrific customer service.

“The service was fantastic, to the point the president was even helping us pick out a size according to our needs” he said as he got ready to head back to work, “the product seems to be working wonderfully” he has not heard anything negative coming from the employees or seen the sink backed-up since.

This versatile product can be used on any sink that has the possibility of being clogged. Restaurant Garbage Disposals are not the only ones that can run into trouble with food waste, but employee kitchens can as well as Manuel R. just showed us.  Any sink with a garbage disposal and high use will need to be fixed at some point, and replacing a disposal comes in at a much higher price than switching to the more environmentally friendly choice. The Drain Strainer not only will separate all of the extra food particles from your water, but will catch the grease in the water as well, leaving it clean to enter city sewage.  Everything collected in the filtering pan, can either be thrown away or placed somewhere else for compost. It really depends on how your business likes to handle these types of waste.

For more information on The Drain Strainer visit their website www.thedrainstrainer.com.

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