In Kansas City Janitorial Supply Can Be Green With WinPro Solutions

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73_110517_165940When people typically think of cleaning products, they think of abrasive chemicals that have to be stored far away from their food pantry.  Every one has cleaned a bathroom and used some sort of spray or foam that breaks up filmy residue while disinfecting germs and bacteria.  We all know what can happen if the room is not properly vented.  In some cases being light headed or getting a headache can occur.  In others the irritation and burning of the eyes, nose or throat can occur.  Many chemicals if not handled properly can burn the skin or damage clothing, carpeting or other fabrics.  Many people in the service industry can attest to the displeasure that can be found from finding an orange bleach stain on their shirt in the middle of a shift.

Besides damaging skin or fabrics, many cleaning agents can be toxic if consumed by or exposed to people.  Restaurants in particular need to maintain a sanitary environment but they have to have precautions in place that safeguard their customers from being exposed to harmful chemicals.  In restaurants their are many times mandated laws that require specific handling and storage of cleaning products.  Cleaning products generally also have a negative environmental impact in their creation and disposal.

“Green cleaning is more popular than ever and really cannot be considered a trend anymore, but rather a fundamental part of this industry.” -Services Magazine

According to an article in Services Magazine “Green cleaning is more popular than ever and really cannot be considered a trend anymore, but rather a fundamental part of this industry.”.  In Kansas City janitorial service providers do have alternative options to consider instead of traditional bulk cleaning products.  Kansas City janitorial supply company WinPro Solutions, has a wide variety of Earth conscious green products for any commercial cleaning needs.  Your business to business blog spoke with WinPro Solutions owner Hal Kurz about some of the options Kansas City area service professionals can choose from.  Hal told us that when considering shifting towards green minded products, he recommended that his customers try the Earth Sense #16 PH Neutral All-Purpose Cleaner.  The product is free of harmful phosphates, solvents and nonylphenol exotholate surfactants.  The Kansas City janitorial supply expert told us that he loved that the Earth Sense #16 was biodegradable and fragrance free.  Hal touted that the product could be used on a wide variety of surfaces from vinyl to asphalt.

To find out more about all of the green minded options Kansas City cleaning service providers can choose from, give the crew over at WinPro Solutions a call today.  (913) 894-2130 or visit them at

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