Cotton Muslin Bags a Review: with Keeper Goods

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For customers of the Keeper Goods brand in Seattle, WA, style and fashion are part of their everyday life.  Keeper Goods stays true to it’s namesake by providing solutions to keeping all of your goods.  They provide simple solutions to managing, storing and maintaining people’s favorite clothing and household items, while still conveying their taste in aesthetic.  lavender_grandePhyllis Chu has a passion for exclusively choosing to carry only hand crafted items in her boutique line available online and at stores all over the Seattle area.  One of the unique items Keeper Goods offers up it’s customers is are a line of refreshing boot trees.  The small cotton muslin bags are filled with Olympic Lavender Farms variety lavender.  The bags are inserted into shoes or boots to help them reinforce their shape while infusing them with the soft scent of lavender.

Blogger Local reached out to Phyllis Chu to get her take on how she came to choosing a wholesale cotton bag company for her boot tree product.  Chu said that she had originally found State Line Bag Co. on Amazon and had continued with them as they migrated to a .com.  She said a main selling point was their selection of small bags.  She currently uses the 3″x5″ bags for her line of boot trees.  Phyllis said that a big factor in choosing to go with State Line Bag Co. was the fact that the texture of the fabric allowed for the fragrance of the lavender to escape but was tight enough to secure all the small fragments of organic material inside the bag itself.  An added benefit that the Keeper Goods owner likes about the muslin bags is that they are easy to hand stamp her logos and branding onto.  Phyllis finds practicality and flexibility in stamping the bags instead of printing them.  She can use a variety of stamps and change up her branding without having to abandon the current stock with graphics she no longer wants to use.

Phyliss related that she has had an overall solid experience with the State Line Bag Co.  The only complaint she had was that quality of the bags for her seemed to vary from batch to batch on their consistency.  She noted however that although she would like a bit more consistency in the quality, she thought it demonstrated that they had been made in small batches and not mass produced.  She felt the hand crafted look however went right along with her stores identity.  To check out Keeper Goods full line of goods visit their site.

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