Kansas City Commercial Printers Help Light Up Sales Figures Through Personalization

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When it comes to your money you are always a bit apprehensive and quite cautious. To the many entrepreneurs and business owners in Kansas City, this means you need to care for your business and provide it with the best tools and minds in order for it to grow and perhaps entice you to add a little risk later on. If you ask me, you could be the best there is in your trade, but if you cannot physically show that in any way, most people won’t take a second look. Now a days people want to be wowed, they want over the top and flashy, new cool designs and something that stay in their mind, with an overload of information business owners need something that will make them stand out and keep customers coming back for more.

baked_letterheadI’ve always believed personalized everything goes a long way. When it comes to your business you should have personalized letterheads, and envelopes, and if you keep in touch with your customers per se for their birthday and holidays (which you should) personalize those as well. In a city as big as Kansas City commercial printers are a dime a dozen, but finding the one that suits your business should not be a challenge, so don’t let it be.

The reason why I am placing such emphasis on personalization is because of the many benefits this tactic can bring to even the solo-entrepreneur, not only to spice up communication with their customers, but as a marketing tool. When a solid letterhead is applied a business immediately appears larger and as if there were a team of people behind you. A presentable and professional letterhead makes you seem “legit” in a customer’s eyes, which makes them feel more secure; no one wants to work with just one person, you want to make them feel as if there are many brains working for them, as if one fails someone will be there to keep working for them. Letterheads can also make you seem easier to work with, it almost makes you more transparent, like “here I am, this is who we are” and customers love that! This transparency and openness can create loyalty and be the difference between a customer that will stick with you until the end and one that just looks for the best deals. Lastly this can be a great marketing tool, again for those lonesome entrepreneurs (don’t tell your customers!). When your communication is personalized it has better reception, you make your customer feel special, and as the owner you could go a step further and entice them with a coupon or an offer, right there on that same piece of paper. If this is not something you are able to do at a particular time, you could describe your locations, what you do, or your PODs… these are always things your customers are interested in and you want to remind them of it often, in subtle ways of course, but you do not want them to forget why they chose your business!

That was a lot of information on Personalized Letterheads, but its not to be taken lightly! This one simple step can have a huge impact on your business, it can light up your sales figures and get word of mouth rollin faster if done correctly.

“Our quality and service sets us apart. Whatever our customers have to have we get for them.”               – Dan Woehrman, owner.

Communication is important on every level and stage of your business. When looking for the perfect printer only communicate with the best. Family owned and operated for over 100 years in Kansas City, Callender Printing Company, can help you get your business to the level you have dreamed with personalized letterhead, embossing, envelopes, business cards, and cardstock.

As a full service commercial printer, no job is too big or too small. At Callenders they pride themselves on how they care for customers, on their quality and the fact that they are one of few Union Printing Companies left in Kansas City.

For more information on this Historic company and its contemporary products Contact them at (913) 371-0330 or visit their website at www.callenderprinting.com.

Keeping Kansas CIty History Alive one print at a time with quality & exceptional service since 1893.

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