Implementing a Scrap Collector System: City of Charlottesville Review

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Commercial-Disposal-Alternative-SliderBelieve it or not sometime governments need help too… what?! Yes. Yes they do, thus why the city of Charlottesville in Virginia reached out to The Drain Strainer when they needed help at city hall. As many other cities across the United States, they have been trying to improve the flow of the sewage lines across the city, and the best place to start is with replacing garbage disposals. The larger food particles and grease that were flowing down the pipes were a threat to public health and were costing a lot on maintenance due to plumbing calls for clogged lines.

“The Drain strainer has been a good solution to our needs, it keeps larger food particles out of the lines, and keeps our grease traps from getting foul” – Lance Stewart

The Drain Stainer does require daily cleaning, but thats all the work it needs, and thats what Lance loves about it the most. There is no maintenance that goes along with it except keeping the strainer clean.  “Its like a screen with larger holes in it, and it works wonders” he said. He purchased the drain strainer over a year ago and has not had any complaints from the kitchen or anyone for that matter, the product is well constructed and smooth, there are no signs of rust on it at all which leads us to believe it is made from quality materials.  “Real smooth product, I am very satisfied”.

The city of Charlottesville is using this marvelous product because it works, it does not require any prior knowledge to use, just install it and keep it clean, thats all the work it needs. It is an easy solution to an extensive problem that not only affects your wallet but the environment as a whole.

For more information on The Drain Strainer visit their website

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