Food Scrap Collector, Efficiency With Less Externalities

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Commercial-Disposal-Alternative-SliderOn our search for some of the most efficient products on the market we found  The Drain Stainer, a cost efficient food scrap collector that replaces your basic restaurant garbage disposal and turns it into a no maintenance, no energy, eco friendly kitchen strainer. We spoke with Sameer Eid from Birmingham, Michigan owner of Phoenicia Restaurant.

Phoenicias serves middle eastern food, which is a staple in the area. Almost every neighborhood has some to offer, and if its not in your a neighboring one will be ready to serve you some hummus, baba ghanoush, pita, falafel, shawarma, and many more items that have made that cuisine one of our favorites.

This Lebanese restaurant has much to offer including knowledge on our oh-so longed for miraculous product. This drainage system is a cost effective long-term solution that helps your business flow smoother and helps the environment as well. You can lower your restaurants negative effects on the environment

This piece of kitchen equipment has been a great addition to Phoenicias, “It is a great long-run investment” said Sameer, without using a garbage disposal there is less cleaning at the end of the day and a lot more savings at the end of the month. There are no breakdown issues, there is no potential harm to the environment via leaking waste waters, and it makes him feel good that he can save money while being good to the environment simultaneously.

“An efficient way to do business” -Sameer Eid

Besides caring for the environment and quality working conditions in the kitchen, Sameer buys only the finest cuts and produce at the Eastern Market to make the back of house as smooth as possible. These small details make Phoenicia the dining experience it is, and keeps patrons, young & old, coming back for more every time.

For more information on The Drain Strainer and how to order one, visit their website

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