I took Winston to this wonderful place and his tail wagged on the way in and on the way out, he even got treats! Simply Grooming by Gia is a locally owned pet salon that offers personalized grooming in a calm and safe environment. Their attention to detail to both human and animal clients is beyond any expectations for a pet grooming salon in Kansas City, because they focus on quality not quantity and always use the best and safest products for our pets. Gia is definitely raising the bar on the grooming experience.
They use all natural products and practice green habits, such as recycling and using local re-purposed items throughout the shop. They offer K9 Closet collars and toys, Orbee toys, bio degradable soap free Earthbath shampoos, steel toothed combs, tag bags, Organic cookies, regular and gluten free Biscuits, Wheat Free cookies, and American made chicken jerky. Unlike other groomers, Gia’s does not have a breed preference, all breeds are welcome they love bully breed dogs, and treat all sizes and hair.
They are very dedicated to giving back to the community, so they offer free first grooms for recently adopted shelter dogs, and half off baths for our adopted loved ones… so don’t forget to ask about their shelter dog discount. Appointments can be scheduled Tuesday through Saturday & one monday per month. Every sunday is reserved for cat grooming only, that way they are offered a stress free environment as well.
Gia’s has had the same staff since the day they opened, so you can be sure that those looking after your pet have experience. They truly want to get to know you and your furry friend, so they can offer them the best care possible and keep you as recurring customer. All of their staff is CPR certified and their cat groomer was a vet tech for 7 years, so you can rest assured that your pet is in great hands.
As pet owners, we feel our pets deserve careful, compassionate, gentle and consistent care in a quiet and calming environment, and that we deserve to be treated fairly and with respect and honesty. This kind of care and treatment is exactly what you can expect from the ladies at Gia’s every time you visit them. And with fair and consistent pricing you are sure to never be disappointed.
Visit our friends at Gia’s at Simply Grooming by Gia and have them treat your pet like they deserve to be treated.
Keeping you Informed and your four-legged friend smelling nice, your Kansas City Blog.