Electronic Recycling Event in Kansas City

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6499Its in our nature to do the right thing, and for the most part we do. As responsible citizens we make sure we recycle our papers, our plastics, and even glass and metals at times, but what about our electronics? Our ever-changing technology advances have made electronic waste the fastest growing form of waste in the country. It seems most of us either hoard them or don’t know where to dispose of them when the time comes, so we naively place them in a bag with our kitchen garbage not knowing the damage these products can cause the environment. Therefore since most people don’t know how to properly dispose of old electronic devices, Velocity Computer Tech, Kansas City’s Computer Repair Shop and Computer Recycling USA are teaming up to for an event that will allow anyone to bring in their used electronics and properly dispose of them, they are hosting a Free Electronics Recycling Event.

The problem with electronics not being disposed properly is that they contain lead, mercury and various other chemicals and hazardous wastes. When these toxic materials end up in landfills they pose a potential threat to our environment, and endangering public health. When these products are recycled, they are stripped apart and all the different components are extracted and reused properly. As a result environmental pollution is reduced, we protect our health, save energy, extend the life of landfills and diminish the danger posed to the public.

When parting with your used electronics, if they are not being donated, when discarding of them as waste there usually are feed involved since disposing of certain materials required special packing, shipping, labor, and at times insurance. At this Free Electronics Recycling event electronics will be received for free, and will be consolidated for your convenience.

Some of the items that will be received include:

  • Microwaves
  • Toaster Ovens
  • Sewing Machines,
  • All Computer Related Items
  • Refrigerators
  • Vacuums
  • Plasmas
  • TV Dishes
  • Washers
  • Surveillance Equipment
  • Power Cords

And many more items will be collected at this wonderful event that will allow for all citizens to drop off their old electronics and be sure that they will be disposed properly and recycled as much as possible.

The event will take place on Friday Dec. 6th from 11:00 am to 2:00 pm. at 1534 Burlington St, Kansas City, MO 64116.

For more information regarding this event contact Velocity Computer Tech at (816) 875-8324 or visit their website www.velocitycomputertech.com.

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