Individual malware programs often include several malicious functions and propagation routines – and, without some additional classification rules, this could lead to confusion. We spoke with our favorite Kansas City Computer Repair techies at Velocity Computer Tech and found out some of the facts regarding Malware.
For starters, a specific malicious program may be capable of being spread via an email attachment and also as files via P2P networks! The program may also have the ability to harvest your email addresses if your computer is infected, without your consent. With this range of functions, the program could be correctly classified as an Email-Worm, a P2P-Worm or a Trojan-Mailfinder.
If a malicious program has two or more functions with equal threat levels – such as IM-Worm, P2P-Worm or IRC-Worm – the program is classified as a Worm.
“Everyone was real nice” -Perrnell T.
We caught up with Pernell T. who actually experienced one of these problems and asked him about his experience with Velocity Computer Tech. What he said was the following “I can vouch and recommend Velocity computer to anyone” He says he “felt welcome every time he went into the store. His Malware was removed and protection was installed, so he couldn’t be happier.
Don’t let a malware slow you down.
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