Rating Criteria

Table of Contents

Blogger Local advocates small, local and family owned business, so our magazine content, podcasts, blog posts, web TV show and top ten lists tend to include local family owned businesses as opposed to franchises, and companies with home offices in the KC metro area vs other parts of Kansas or Missouri (or the region).

Our system is not perfect, but we try to provide more information and more detail than many of the other national aggregator “top company” lists and top 10 aggregators that currently dominate the local Google search engine results.

This content is not intended to be a substitute for a consumer’s own due diligence and we recommend that all people complete their own research and make their own reference checks before hiring any company listed on this website or otherwise.

Again, our main goal to promote small and family-owned businesses that are the backbone or our local economy, and inspire people to buy and support local businesses.

In general our local blogger reviewers may look at some combination of:

  • Social Proof
  • Trust and authority
  • Content marketing
  • Podcasting
  • Blogging
  • Videos
  • SEO and Google visibility
  • Length of time in business
  • Offline brand visibility
  • Customer reviews on multiple 3rd party review sites
  • Website Design & Useability
  • Use of storytelling
  • Community involvement
  • First-hand company knowledge if any
  • Recommendations from the community
  • All things being equal, support of Blogger Local helps too



If your company made a top ten list, you may request an award certificate and “Best in Class” window decal for your location.

Our website ranks well and sends a ton of traffic to local Kansas City businesses.

In addition, award badges, when displayed prominently on a website can increase conversions rates by 30% to 40%.

This program is still in development.


Can my company be featured on a list?

Staring in 2019, companies can pay to be featured on a list in the future as “featured” listings.  We plan to offer paid featured listings that may be shown at the top of a list, but companies that have an advertising relationship with Blogger Local are marked as a”Featured Ad”.  Otherwise, the listings based on the above rating criteria and have no commercial relationship with Blogger Local.featured kansas city companies

Can my company advertise on Blogger Local?

Starting 2018, yes.  Our lists get high search engine rankings, and this Kansas City edition of Blogger Local get thousands of unique impressions each month and is growing fast. There are opportunities for advertising and companies are eligible for a 25% to 50% discount if they add a badge to the home page of their website.

Award badges can increase your website conversion rates by 30-40%.

There are also opportunities for paid banner ads on individual listing pages as well as placements for banner ads that run site-wide.


A Print Magazine Too?

Yup.  A very unique print magazine has been launched.

If your company is interested in a a featured listing or other advertising opportunities, please contact us via email.

Kansas City’s Fastest Growing Online Magazine

We think we have the fastest growing local website property in Kansas City.

Company’s contact us all the time and tell us that they’re getting leads and sales from out site.

We think that is awesome.

And we’re so new, we’re just getting started!


who owns blogger local




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kansas city bloggers

Blogger Local

Blogger Local is a local media content blogging platform designed to give the metro area first-hand information, reviews and detailed company profiles about the local businesses that serve our community.